Thursday, September 08, 2005

Katelyn and her Neighbor - story by Danya

There was a girl named Katelyn who had just moved in to a new house that her parents had bought. She went out one day to play. She saw her next door neighbor was playing too! Oh, how she wished that she could do the same thing her neighbor was doing . Her neighbor was blowing bubbles with her little sister. But Katelyn did not have a little sister. Then the day after that she went out to go meet her new neighbor, who she found out was a girl named Katie. Katelyn wanted to go out side to play.

Katie was with her little sister and she was not bored. They were rolling a toy car back and forth. Katie and her little sister wanted to go out of their yard to the other girl's yard to meet their new neighbor. So they went to the gate, and they found a little door, and they went in. As they went in they saw a little girl under the tree and the little girl was 5 and her name was Katelyn. The little girls that were five loved to be together . The little sister was 2. Katie very much liked to play with her little sister, but when she met the neighbor girl she now knew some one lived there and she loved to play with her. For a long time she did not have any one to play with other than her sister and she was so happy she had a friend that she forgot that she had a little sister. She liked doing a lot together. They were such good friends together that their parents started to meet. A week after that their families were so close together that they knew each other well enough that they started letting their kids have play dates together. THE END